
Caring for Easter Flowers

Did you know Easter flowers can be added to your landscape for years of future enjoyment? Hyacinths, Tulips, Hydrangeas, Daffodils, Lilies, Azaleas, and many other Easter plants can be planted in your garden. 

Bulb Indoor Care:
To prolong their indoor flowering, keep plants in cool temperatures at night, usually around 60 degrees. Try to avoid keeping them in direct sunlight during the day. When watering, be sure the plants are kept moist, but free from any excess water that may accumulate in decorative wrapping or foil.

Planting Bulbs Outdoors:
For bulbs such as Hyacinths, Tulips, Daffodils, and Lilies, place containers in indoor sunlight and allow the foliage to mature and eventually dry. Be sure to provide enough moisture so that the plant may continue through its natural cycle of maturity. After the leaves have dried, remove the bulb from soil and cut off any dried foliage. Store in a dry location, such as a garage, basement or shed during summer. In fall, plant bulbs outdoors in the garden and enjoy their beautiful display next spring!

Azaleas Indoor Care:
Azaleas prefer the cooler temperatures, so keep them in the coolest part of your house. While flowering, keep plant out of direct sunlight to prolong flower time. After the flowering cycle has completed, move plant to a sunny window. Never allow Azaleas to wilt. They prefer a consistently moist soil.

Planting Azaleas Outdoors:
Around Mothers’ Day, as outdoor temperatures warm, plant outdoors in part-shade. Azaleas prefer an acidic soil. Be sure to water and fertilize regularly during the summer. After flowering, in mid – late June, prune as necessary.