

Many types of Jasmine are also known under the name of Jessamine. Those grown indoors generally have in common attractively perfumed flowers that are white to yellow in color and most highly scented at night. Most are twining and veiny, requiring staking and regular pinching. The foliage is often shiny, making the plant attractive even when not in bloom.


Their family background is varied: true Jasmines are in the Olive family. The others are in the Dogbane, or nightshade family. Their flowering seasons also varies, but the most popular ones are winter or early spring bloomers.


Among the true Jasmines, Jasmine polyanthus, is probably the most commonly grown. A late winter, spring flowering jasmine, it bears dozens of scented, white star shaped flowers at a time, even when it is small. It’s often grown on hoops and grown as a wreath. Polyanthum Jasmines will tolerate cooler temperatures (40 to 50 degrees at night) in the winter to stimulate flowering.


Jasmine Sambac – Maid of Orleans – produces white, creamy scented blooms, which fade to purple. Pungently scented, they bloom intermittently through out the year. Their growth habit is shrubbier in growth, and the long, over grown branches will need pruning to improve form, and encourage fullness. Sambacs prefer warmer night temperatures of 60 to 65 degrees – days up to 80 degrees.


Jasmine Lakeview – produces clusters of very fragrant white flowers. Pungently scented, they flower intermittently throughout the year. It’s best not to trim the spent flower heads, until they are brown in color, as in time, they’ll produce new blooms again. They also prefer the warmer temperatures.


Jasmine Madagascar, Stephonitis – In the summer months, this veining Madagascar Jasmine responds well to cool conditions, and bears a profusion of highly scented waxy white flowers that brighten any indoor garden. The flowers are often used in bridal bouquets. Grow in a bright-lit location to filtered sunlight during the summer months and up to 4 hours of direct sunlight in the wintertime. Given enough light, Stephonates will bloom most of the year. Allow the plant to rest over the winter, by watering less frequently, and very little fertilizer. During the growing season, keep the soil moist, always watering thoroughly. Stephanotis needs nighttime temperatures of 55 degrees to set the buds. Pinch back stem tips of young or regrowing plants to improve form. Prune after flowering. Provide a support for the climbing vines.


All Jasmines need four hours or more of direct sunlight, or filtered sunlight. To provide extra humidity, set on a tray filled with stones and water, making sure the bottom of the pot is not setting in the water. This will provide extra humidity when the air is dry, especially in the winter.


Fertilize mostly spring through fall. Such as 20-20-20, Bud and Bloom, or at times an acid based fertilizer.