Spongelei increases plants available water holding capacity, aeration balance, and alters the structure of soil and potting mixes.
Product Details
- Crystals swell to absorb water, increases water holding capacity of soils, reduces frequency of watering up to 50 percent
- Reduces water stress in plants and helps protect plants during hot weather or drought
- Environmentally friendly, biodegrading into potassium, CO2, and water
- Helps prevent over-and under-watering
- Ideal for indoor and outdoor plants
Reduces water stress in plants and helps protect them in times of hot weather or drought. Spongelei watering crystals absorb water, similar to a sponge and slowly releases moisture as the surrounding soil dries out. Ideal for indoor and outdoor plants. Helps prevent over and under watering. Mix with soil to reduce the amount of watering needed. Crystals swell to absorb water. Environmentally friendly, biodegrades into potassium, CO2 and water.