
Cole's Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce, 16-Ounce

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Cole’s Flaming Squirrel Seed Sauce chock full of vitamins A and D as well as carotene. Not only are chili peppers an excellent natural source of nutrition for birds, they’re also guaranteed to make your feeders an exclusive Birds-Only cafe. 100%, and all natural and a chemical free way to get more bird visits than ever before! To use simply mix with your favorite birdseed with this liquid chili pepper formula in order to give your feathered friends the Cajun spicy flavor they love. The ingredients include food-grade liquid habanero chili pepper, soybean oil.

Key Product Features 

  • 100% All natural and chemical free ingredients
  • No diluting necessary-ready to use instantly.
  • While most effective with shelled seeds and nuts, it works wonders on all types of wild bird feed, seed and suet.
  • Bluebirds, cardinals, wrens, buntings, finches-along with most beautiful songbirds can't get enough of this Cajun delight.
  • The hottest formula of food grade chili concentrate ready to mix with your favorite seed. Just remember to wear gloves and wash up after mixing.
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93 Reviews

  • 5

    Does what it says -- squirrels will avoid

    Posted by Dewey on Aug 6th 2020

    I was ready to do trap and release on squirrels but thought I would give this a try. This is essentially hot sauce you mix with seed. Well, I had a hard time believing it would work but birds really do not sense the heat and squirrels won't go near it. I saw one approach but I guess it got a whiff and decided to pass. Surprisingly, a little bit goes a really long way. A couple of tablespoons covers a lot of seed. Well worth it.

  • 5

    Worked like a charm. But beware, and don't be a fool like me.

    Posted by TommyA on Jul 29th 2020

    I was completely over the squirrels emptying out our bird feeder on the deck. They were constantly chasing the birds away and were destroying my very expensive feeder. It's not that I'm anti-squirrel. I even bought a squirrel feeder and squirrel feed and installed it right next to the steps that they would come up to the deck. They passed right by it, only eating the peanuts out of it, and back onto the deck and the bird feeder they came. Four or five at a time. I bought this Sauce of Satan and mixed it in with the bird seed and they immediately stopped coming. I probably missed seeing the others because I only saw one come and give a couple seeds a try. He took a bite, made a quick shake of his head, and ran to the edge of the deck. I can only assume he was wondering what volcano the molten lava that just crossed his cute little rodent lips had came from. And then he was outta there! Not another single squirrel all day. And they are now feasting at the squirrel feeder, like they ought to. And the birds are loving it. Beware though. This stuff is potent. I mixed it into the seed with my bare hands. No big deal. Didn't burn or irritate one little bit. It was the foolish act of going to the restroom and giving a shake, if you catch my drift, before washing my hands. Holy Moses! One of the dumbest things I've ever done in my life. Oh, it took a few minutes for the fires of Hades to ignite. But once it did..... 20 minutes in an ice cold shower later and I could walk again. Go ahead and laugh at my foolishness, I'm sure the squirrels would have gotten a chuckle out of it too.

  • 5

    Squirrels are staying off my bird feeders

    Posted by Paula Fay Morris on Jan 28th 2020

    I put this on the bird feeder rather than in the food. Once the squirrels touch the feeder they leave and dont come back. The birds are not affected by the hot taste. I use an old tooth brush and just brush on the bird feeder where the squirrels get. This is extremely hot. Even after scrubbing my hands it burns my eyes if I touch them. I suggest wearing disposable gloves when handling the bottle. This is some very hot stuff. Dont touch your eyes nor lips. Love how my birds are getting the food rather than the squirrels gobbling it all up.

  • 5

    Buy this if you want hot sauce and to keep away squirrels!

    Posted by Linda T. on Sep 14th 2019

    I have used this product for a few years. I dribble it along the bird feeder poles so the squirrels can't climb up them. I also dribble a little on and around the hot suet cakes I put out. It works great. It's so potent if you mistakenly get a drop on your hands, it will take a lot of work to get even a hint of it off. I've had to spray bleach on my fingers jjust to get what's left of the aroma of this stuff off of me! It's that strong. Birds cannot taste or smell so it doesn't bother them. But boy do the squirrels HATE this stuff! I have feeders all around my house and this a little drop keeps those varmits away from my feeders. Put a drop or two on the posts where the birds stand so the squirrels can't rest on them to get to the seed. Be creative with it...but always, always protect your hands. Once you get it on your hands, the smell alone reminds you that you've used it. It's not poison, it's just so very freaking hot....

  • 5

    Dietary Deterent

    Posted by John Anderson on Sep 10th 2019

    Having grown up with an appreciation of wildlife, myself and my family enjoy feeding wild birds in the security of our yards. Like many rural neighborhoods, we have an abundance of other wild life as well, including the wily grey squirrel and the occasional black bear. Like most people who feed the wild birds, we apparently showed up on the list of free food for the squirrels and the dreaded rat. While I am not above squirting the occasional rat with the pellet rifle, I prefer not to go about whacking the squirrels. To that end, one of my siblings suggested Cole's Flaming Hot Squirrel Sauce. So in the interest of humanely preventing squirrel activity on and around our feeders, I ordered up a bottle of this dietary supplement.I will caution anyone who is using this for the first time, be very careful to prevent any residue from getting in or around your eyes. This stuff is highly potent and protective eyewear is suggested, or you can mix this with your seed of choice within a closed container. I use an old plastic coffee container large size and mix about 3 or 4 tablespoons per nearly full container. I shake it well for about a minute to thoroughly coat the seed. I then use the same container to dispense into the feeders.My retired engineering neighbor suggested I place some small piles as "bait" on the privacy fence that separates our backyard from other neighbors. I did so with little thought as to the consequences. One of the first brave, squirrel souls who tested the seed piles went into a spastic fit and fell off the fence in a frenzy of mixed movements. Not to be deterred, several more tried the spillage from the feeders. They too have chosen to move on to other feeders. As a side benefit, we have had no more rat issues as they too must have found this sauce a bit too spicy. I await the late night when I'm awaken by the black bear who ignored the warnings their nose may have been broadcasting.I highly recommend this for anyone feeding wild birds who have had unwelcome visitors.

  • 4

    Keeps the squirrels away

    Posted by KJ on Sep 3rd 2019

    The squirrels HATE the pepper flavor. I can only get pepper flavored seed for my yard. Since it is so hard to find I got this and figured I could add it to some existing seed I already owned. It sorta worked. I got an old bottle and put the bird feed in, and dowsed this over it, shook it up and served. Only issue, I don't think I got enough on the bird seed. The squirrels returned, but I will just add more next time. I know this system works, just trial and error to get the right amount.

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    ALWAYS Be Careful After Application

    Posted by Mark S on Sep 1st 2019

    This product works perfectly to ward off squirrels and reckons - they do not like it at all.Caution - always wash hand immediately after mixing sauce with seed or placing it in feeders. Touching anything near your eyes will create temporary blindness and burning. That is NOT fun!!!

  • 5

    Make sure the bird seed and flaming squirrel is mixed well. Seed is good and coated.

    Posted by Vince Oviedo on Aug 3rd 2019

    After squirrels munch on the bird seed for a few minutes they can't get off the bird feeder fast enough to cool off their mouth.

  • 5

    Goodbye rodents

    Posted by Brad S on Jul 3rd 2019

    I got this to keep squirrels and other rodents away from my bird feeder. Just read what directions said and did what it told me to do. Thought maybe I put too much on first time around because the birds weren't diving in to it. But after awhile they started coming around but the rodents didn't. Next batch backed the fire off a little and birds were still loving it and rodents nowhere to be found. Very happy with this product!

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